Wednesday, July 31, 2013

HOW TO MARK NO GO AREAS - Abhishek Sabharwal

Marking No Go Areas is a task , which over a period of time , I have realised is a job which most of the second officers are not clear about (no offences/disrespect to anyone).
This inefficiency leads to charts being incorrectly marked (Let it be on an ECDIS or Paper chart) and the other duty officers in turn assume that the markings are correct,which is not the case.
So today we will identify the rights and wrongs of No Go Areas thereby covering the common mistakes done by everyone and the right procedure to do it.

No Go Area:

A  no go area is an area where the vessel cannot /should not go, as that is dangerous because of a shallow nature or any other surface / sub surface obstruction identified as dangerous to navigation for seagoing ships or any other condition which can compromise the safety of the vessel.


We will take the example of a vessel at sea and then try to understand the concept,

Draft (static) - 12.5 mtrs
Speed - 10 kts
Assuming block coefficient : 0.7 (to simplify things)

Squat (for confined waters): Cb x V(Square) / 50
                                         = 0.7 x 10 x 10 / 50 = 1.40 mtrs.

Assuming Height of Tide: 1.0 mtrs

Ukc (required as per individual company policy) : 20 % of static draft (in coastal waters)
                                                                               = 20 x 12.5 / 100 = 2.5 mtrs.
Depth Required for the vessel to stay safe: (criteria for marking no-go areas)
   = Draft + Squat + Ukc - Ht. of Tide
   = 12.5 + 1.40 + 2.5 - 1.0 = 15.40 mtrs.


A typical myth followed by lot of people on ships is , that the shallow pattern coloured areas (light blue) near a coastline are the lines joining no go areas and on most of the ships it is observed that people mark the entire light blue shaded portion on charts as no go areas near the coast , which is wrong and is a PSC deficiency and these no go shade lines are even extended onto the coast itself.



The right way to do it, is to calculate the safety depth as calculated above and  all depths below this depth are considered to be as no go depths i.e depths below which it is considered unsafe for the vessel to navigate.
As in our case the safety depth as calculated is 15.4 mtrs and the nearest rounded off depth is 16 mtrs.Thereby, on the chart join all depths of 16mtrs. Now shade off the entire area between the coast and the line as explained above. Mark this area as a no go area.


Please make a note of the fact that the marking of a no go area is a dynamical calculation i.e it varies with the variation in various parameters such as draft, ukc,vessel speed, height of Tide prevailing at that time

Hope the above explanation serves the purpose......For any suggestions / queries / comments ur most invited.....Thanks for stopping by........cheers....

Monday, July 29, 2013


  • NHO`s are National Hydrographic Organisations.
  • RENC`s are Regional Electronic Navigation Chart Systems.
  • Whereas CMAP,TRANSAS,MARINE PRESS are the main distributors.
  • Lets understand the above chart , IHO is the governing authority under which the NHO`s of various countries are working.These NHO`s , survey and collect their own data and send it to the RENC`s i.e UKHO,PRIMAR which in turn compile these datas,process them and then distribute it to the respective distributors which in turn sell those charts to us on ships.

Any suggestions/comments are most invited......

Sunday, July 28, 2013

LIFEBOAT ACCIDENT - Abhishek Sabharwal

Today , ill share one of my bad experiences which involve a lifeboat accident.I was on a Panamax size bulk carrier which was at anchor.I was a trainee those days and I had a crooked master and a very nice mate.

It was around 3 in the afternoon,weather was  a bit windy ,force 4 and a swell of around 1.5 meter , when the Master of the ship all of a sudden realised that he wants to conduct a drill.

Despite of the fact that the chief mate didnt want to lower the lifeboat under such circumstances and neither of the crew members wanted to do the same,still all of us forcefully had to lower and launch the boat because of the masters decision.Just pissed from the decision all concerned parties reluctantly commenced preparing and consequently lowered the lifeboat into the water with the master,bosun,3rd officer,one os on the top and chief mate,me,ab,3rd engineer,second officer in the boat.The VTS had been duly reported.

We reached the water level,tried out engines, and were consequently released the hooks but while releasing the aft hook the A.B just saved his head because of the heaving motion of the boat the aft fall block almost hit his head.Once waterborne, the lifeboat started heaving badly and that day i actually realised ,what a 1.5 mtr swell looks like...hehe...

Lifeboat engines were started and we moved away from the ship.....she was pitching very badly and everyone in the boat ,staring at each others faces were cursing the master....all of us starting vomiting all over as its a normal human one could resist that feeling...We moved a few metres away from the ship and then we realised that a ship was passing by at a distance of around 5 cables and because of the size of the wake of the ship (which was moving towards us) we decided to move back towards our ship.

We tried turning back but couldnt as she started behaving abruptly because of the following factors....wake of the other ship,wind, we decided that we will tell our bosun who was on the lifeboat deck to throw a gantline to us for our assistance.Following which , he did threw a gantline at us (Somehow!!!) , and we secured the same to our boat but left a lot of slack in the water , which the bosun did not pull in time and the chief mate without checking that the propellers are clear or not started the boats engine with a full ahead and within seconds the propeller blades and the shaft itself got absolutely entangled with the gantline. Hence, now to make situations worse we didnt had our engines either and we were still fighting with the tremendous heaving motion of the boat....With  alot of efforts of the ships crew on deck they managed to pull us alongside to some extent using mooring winches and what not....As we were approaching towards our own ship....we realised that because of the push of the wind and the waves we approaching at a fast rate towards our ship and hell broke loose on us....

We banged hard into the ship-side thereby producing a crack to the portside of our boat, and our immediate reaction was to use our boat hooks to push away , and then boat oars but all of our efforts went in vain....and we landed up with broken oars,cracked boat,and broken boat make situations worse we further started moving into the rudder and were banging continuously to the ship side.....

Again a gantline was passed and we just managed to fall right below the fall blocks following again a series of hardwork ,ideas,efforts we were pulled up and the boat stowed.Later on a accident report was prepared all crew members briefed and was a learning lesson for the master and the other members of the ship.

Unfortunately i dont have those interesting lifeboat damage fotos available , but ill surely search for them and will post them in due time.....

Despite of so much of awaeness onboard and in being a very proactive industry i just dont understand as to why people ,even today dont understand the meaning of the word "SAFETY"......???

Please send me your valuable feedback or any suggestions / comments on the above topic....


Thursday, July 25, 2013



At security level 1,the SSP (Ship Security Plan) should establish the security measures to control access to the ship ,where the following may be applied ;

  • checking the identity of all the persons seeking to board the ship and confirming their reasons for doing so by checking, for example,joining instructions,passenger tickets,boarding passes,work orders etc;
  • in liason with the port facility the ship should ensure that designated secure areas are established in which inspections and searching of persons, baggage,personal effects,vehicles and their contents can take place;
  • in liason with the port facility the ship should ensure that vehicles designed to be loaded onboard car carriers,ro ro and other passenger ships are subjected to search prioe to loading ,in accordance with the frequency required in the SSP;
  • segregrating checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked persons and their personal effects;
  • segregating embarking from disembarking passengers;
  • identifying access points that should be secured or attended to prevent unauthorized access;
  • securing by locking or other means,access to unattended spaces adjoining areas to which passengers or visitors have access,and;
  • providing security briefings to all ship personnel on possible threats,the procedures for reporting suspicious persons ,objects or activities and the need for vigilance.


At security level the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to protect against  a hightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher vigilance and tighter control,which may include,

  • assigning additional personnel to patrol deck areas during silent hours to deterr unauthorised access;
  • limiting the number of access points to the ship,identifying those to be closed and the means of adequately securing them;
  • deterring waterside access to the ship including;
  • establishing a restricted area on the shore sideof the ship,in close co-operation with the port facility;
  • increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons ,personal effects and vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the ship;
  • escorting visitors on the ship;
  • providing additional specific security briefings to all ship personnel on any identified threats , reemphasizing the procedures for reporting suspicious persons,objects or activities and stressing the need for increased vigilance;
  • carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.


At security level 3 the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those responding to the security incident or threat thereof.The SSP should detail the security measures which could be taken by the ship , in close coperation with those responding and the port facility,which may include,

  • limiting access to a single,controlled access point;
  • granting access only to those responding to the security incident or threat thereof;
  • directing persons onboard;
  • suspension of embarkation or diembarkation;
  • suspension of cargo handling operations,deliveries,etc;
  • evacuation of the ship;
  • movement of the ship;
  • preparing for a full or partial search of the ship. 


- Contracting governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk        the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons,property or the environment.
- A ship can request completion of a declaration of security when:

  • the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with;
  • there is an agreement on a DOS between contracting governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on those voyages;
  • there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or involving the port facility ,as applicable;
  • the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port facility security plan; or
  • the ship is conducting ship to ship activities which another ship not required to have and implement an approved ship security plan.  
- Requests for the completion of a declaration of security , under this section shall be acknowledged by the      applicable port facility or ship.
- The DOS shall be completed by :
  •    the master or the ship security officer on behalf of the ship(s); and if appropriate ;
  •    the port facility security officer or,if the contracting government determines otherwise , by any other      body responsible for shore side security, on behalf of the port facility.
- The D.O.S shall address the security requirements that could be shared between a port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall state the responsibility of each.

Attached below is a sample DOS as extracted from the ISPS Code (Appendix 1 Part B) :


As provided in Appendix 1, Part B of the ISPS Code

Name of ship:....................................................................................................................

Port of registry:..................................................................................................................

IMO Number:.....................................................................................................................

Name of Port Facility:.......................................................................................................

This Declaration of Security is valid from ………. until ………. for the following activities: (list the activities with relevant details)





Under the following security levels:

Security level(s) for the ship:.......................................................................................
Security level(s) for the Port Facility:.........................................................................

The Port Facility and ship agree to the following security measures and responsibilities to ensure compliance with the requirements of Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities.

The affixing of the initials of the PFSO or the SSO under these columns indicates that the activity will be done, in accordance with the relevant approved plan, by
The Port Facility
The ship
Ensuring the performance of all security duties

Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorised personnel have access

Controlling access to the Port Facility

Controlling access to the ship

Monitoring of the Port Facility, including berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship

Monitoring of the ship, including berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship

Handling of cargo

Delivery of ships stores

Controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects

Ensuring that security communication is readily available between the ship and the Port Facility

The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for the Port Facility and ship required by part A of the ISPS Code will be implemented in accordance with the provisions stipulated in their approved plan. Where other, specific arrangements have been agreed these are set out in the attached document.
Signed for and on behalf of
The Port Facility:

(Signature of PFSO)
The ship:

(Signature of Master or SSO)
Name and title of person who signed




Contact details
(to be completed as appropriate, indicate telephone numbers, radio channels or frequencies to be used)
Port Facility
Ship supervisor
Duty Officer






- coastline (high water);
- own ship`s safety contour;
- isolated underwater dangers of depths less than the safety contour which lie within safe waters defined by      the safety contour;
- isolated dangers which lie within the safe water defined by the safety contour, such as fixed structures ,          overhead wires ,etc;
- scale,range and north arrow;
- units of depth and height ;and
- display mode.


- display base;
- drying line;
- buoys,beacons,other aids to navigation and fixed structures;
- boundaries of fairways,channels,etc;
- visual and radar conspicuous features;
- prohibited and restricted areas;
- chart scale boundaries;
- indication of cautionary notes;
- ship`s routeing systems and ferry routes;
- archipelagic sea lanes.


- spot soundings;
- submaine cables and pipelines;
- details of all isolated dangers ;
- details of aids to navigation;
- contents of cautionary notes;
- ENC edition date;
- most recent chart update number;
- magnetic variation;
- graticule;
- place names.

NOTE OF PROTEST - Abhishek Sabharwal


A “Note of Protest” is basically a declaration formally recorded or lodged by the Master of circumstances beyond his control which may give, or may have given, rise to loss or damage. In other words, Notes of Protest are lodged to record occurrences that may have caused loss or damage which are at that moment unknown or not fully determinable or quantifiable but could give rise to claims at a later date, e.g., shifting damage to cargo which cannot be accessed until over-stowing cargo is discharged, the possibility of sweat damage to cargo because of not being able to follow prescribed ventilation procedures due to adverse weather conditions, possible pounding or panting damage to the ship’s hull that may remain unknown until sighted a next dry docking, possible damage due to the vessel suspected to have “bottomed” during a river / shallow water transit, etc. Such declaration must be made before a notary public, magistrate or other authority. In many ports, the agents can lodge the Note of Protest on behalf of the Master.

A Note of Protest must generally be lodged within 24 hours of arrival port, but if this is not possible the Master may add a statement in the Note of Protest to the effect that the Note of Protest could not be tendered earlier due to circumstances beyond the Master’s control.

The following list, enumerates some of the circumstances in which a master should note protest.

14.1     “Whenever the vessel has encountered heavy weather which might have resulted in damage to the cargo or the ship.

14.2     WHEN FROM ANY CAUSE THE SHIP IS DAMAGED, or there is reason to fear that damage may be sustained.

14.3     When through stress of weather it has not been practicable to adopt normal precautions in the matter of Ventilation of perishable cargo.

14.4     When any serious breach of C/P terms is committed by the Charterer or his agent, such as refused to load, unduly delaying loading, loading improper cargo, refusal to pay demurrage, refusal to accept B(s)/L in the form signed by the master etc.  (IN SHORT, ANY MAJOR PROBLEM WITH CARGO, C/P OR B/L.)

14.5     When cargo is shipped in such condition that it is likely to suffer deterioration during the voyage.  In this case however the protest will not be effective unless the B/L was endorsed to show the condition of the cargo at the time of shipment.

14.6     In all cases of general average.

14.7     In case stevedores refuse to accept a damage report.

Notes of protest must be supported by appropriate log entries, and if required, with statements from the master and others.

In certain countries the note of protest has to be made on a special form.  Always seek assistance of the local agents to find out the correct procedure.

A note of protest may need to be extended as at the time when a protest is originally noted it may not have been definitely established whether in fact loss or damage has occurred or not or the full extent of damage may not be known.


In order to get efficient data structures that facilitate the rapid display of ENC data,most ECDIS convert
each ENC dataset from S-57 into an internal machine language format called SENC or System ENC - which is optimised for chart image creating routines. Each ECDIS software manufacturer has its own SENC format.Consequently the SENC format may differ between ECDIS manufacturers.


What are official charts?
According to SOLAS V (see page 7) , charts issued by or on the authority of a Government ,authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevent government institutions are official and may be used to fulfill carriage requirements (provided they are kept uptodate).

All other nautical charts are by definition not official and are often referred to as unofficial or private charts.These charts are not accepted as the basis for navigation under the SOLAS Convention.

There are two kinds of official digital nautical charts commonly available ; Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) and Raster Navigational Charts (RNC).

VHF / MF DSC DISTRESS ALERT - Abhishek Sabharwal



                           RASTER                                                                          VECTOR
- Entire chart is stored as one single layer i.e        - Information is stored in layers and hence can be
  information stored cannot be displayed                 displayed selectively.
- Customization is not possible.                            - Chart can be designed as per the request of the user i.e
                                                                              customization is possible.
- Direct copy of a paper chart.                             - Computer generated chart.
- Chart appers cluttered.                                      - Cluttering of chart can be avoided.
- Information can only be added.                          - Information canm be added and subtracted.
- Interrogation for more information is not             - Interrogation for more information is possible.
- Seamless charts not possible.                              - Seamless chart is a feature.
- Sensible rotation to any angle, like head up          - Possible.
   is not possible.
- Display generation takes time.                             - Faster.
- Safety departments , entering TSS etc.                - Possible.
   alarms not possible.
- Symbols and colours as that of a paper chart.      - As per IHO publication.
- Scale cannot be changed.                                    - Different scales possible.
- Zooming facility not possible.                               - Possible.
- Cheaper to produce.                                            - Costly / time consuming.
- Worldwide coverage available.                           - Coverage for all trading routes achieved.
- Memory required is higher.                                   - Memory required is comparatively less.
- This is used an interim to vector charts and           - With developement of ENC , charts will be phased
   only when ENC is not available.                                out very soon.
- Since chart is in a single layer ,no information         - Loss of information is possible and a visual indication    can be lost.                                                               is given.


A nautical chart or publication is a special purpose map or book , or a specially compiled database from which such a map or book is derived , that is issued officially by or on the authority of a government ,authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution and is designed to meet the requirements of marine investigation.


HANGOVER - Abhishek Sabharwal


Alcohol is a diuretic i.e it increases th efluid loss through urine leading to dehydration which causes increased thirst and throbbing headache.Alcohol also causes stomach upsets since it increases the acid secretion by the stomach.

Hehe....this is exactly what happens when we get up the next day and we are bound to ask ourselves....."What Happened Last Night"...As explained below are a few measures which might and will surely help you to get rid of your Hangover....


- Eat before the drink.
- Choose a drink of a lower alcoholic content.
- Do not mix drinks.
- Dilute the drinks while consuming it or drink a glass or two of water alongwith the drink at lower intervals.
- Do not smoke or chew tobacco more than normal while drinking.\
- Have plenty of plain water or a glass of lime juice or a capsule of vitamin C before going to sleep.


- Plenty of breakfast (white bread with butter,capsicum,tomatoes,cheese) or
- Painkillers
- Antacids


The concentration of alcohol is 0.3% or above.The patient passes sleep and he responds only to strong stimuli.
- Dryness of the mouth ;
- Rapid Pulse;
- Subnormal temperature;
- Pupils may be contracted.


ESTD. 1939 REGD. NO.198A

MUI can be joined in two ways which are mentioned as follows;

1) Directly by visiting the MUI offices:

Head office: Udyog bhavan,4th floor,29,Walchand 
                    Hirachand Marg,
                    Ballard Estate,Mumbai 400001. (India).
                    Tel: (91-22) 22613052 / 22615507 ; Fax: (91-                                    22) 2262 0606
                     Email: ; ;                      Website:

Branch Office: Abhishek premises,Ground floor,Unit no.11,Dalia Industrial Estate,
                       Opp. SAB TV New link Road, Andheri                                              (West),Mumbai-400053.
                       Tel: (91-22) 26730712  Fax: (91-22) 26730713

2) Online Payment ;

  Following details would be essential for carrying out the transaction , which will ensure safe and proper deposit to MUI Account:

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank ,
                    90MG Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001.
Account Number: 232-0-500759-1.

Bank Account Type; Current Account;
MICR Code: 400036013
IFSC Code: SCBL0036001

Note: After carrying out the transaction plz ensure that you send them an email mentioning the date , amount of your transaction or attach a scanned copy of the bank acknowledgement.


You can visit their wesite: . Take a printout of the membership form , fill it up and either post it alongwith a cheque or demand draft .Also mention your Name,Rank,Company,Residence Address,Telephone,Mobile number (Self and Spouse) and email Address.

After the transaction has been succesfully done and the above stated procedures have been complied with (as applicable) then within 7-14 days an acknowledgement receipt for the membreship payment is sent alongwith the new membership card at your residential address via an ordinary post.

Please Note: The membership fees for MUI has been recently increased to Rs 1024/- per year.

(Plz note that all of the above stated info is correctly upto date till this day of 2013)